Butterfly stilshot

Butterfly stilshot

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm Blogging

Well hello world! I'm excited to be blogging again. It's been a serious minute since I've done so. I was trying so hard to figure out whether or not I would revive my old blog or start a new one. I read through some of my old blogs and had the best laugh ever.  But I decided that I'm a totally different person now so it was time for a fresh blog. BEWARE: I plan on being super transparent in this blog. I don't know any other way. And yet, I'm always told my transparency blesses people. Anyone who knows me knows I'm all about transparency. I CAN'T STAND FAKENESS. Plastic people make my skin itch. <my bad slight vent, I digress>

Three reasons I decided to blog again. 1.Lot's of people have been commenting on my Facebook statuses, both on FB and mostly in person, and just saying how much they have been blessing them. 2. A lot of people have also been telling me (well shoving down my throat lol) that I have a lot of wisdom and things I say help hem, even when I'm really not trying to. 3. Being a PK of a good size church, my whole life is partially on display. This is something I've learned to live with and embrace. Each season of my life there are people watching. So I've made up in my mind that since I have to be on display, why not let God be glorified in every season. This has been especially true in my current season. Soooo many people have said they've been blessed by seeing how God is keeping and actually flourishing me despite the obstacles.

So basically since I've realized that my random (and they really are random lol) thoughts seem to bless people; I'm gonna share them. Plus there is something so freeing and purging about writing that I know I will probably be more blessed in the process of sharing.

Let the blogging begin!

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